'I' is the first release from Cursed Aether; this is a sub project of Griz+zlor's Paul Dever and each release is dedicated to moon worshiping HNW, with all recordings happening during full moons.
First off it's worth mentioning the package for this CDR; the disc comes in a black ink on white paper slight over sized folder which opens up & inside you find a dramatic colour painting of mist shrouded mountain scape; which adds a bit of class to the release. Sonically Dever offers up a twenty two minute track of fast moving & rather hypnotic wall making, the sound I guess is a little cleaner & less dense than Griz+zlor work. The track stays in fairly tight looped electro static form for most of it's run time with Dever occaisionaly adding in sudden longer curls of static tone release, but really this is all about trapid, focused, rewarding and looped 'wall making'
Another very worthwhile & nicely made 'wall' of noise from Mr. Dever with the added extra of some neat & dramatic package. Drop into Cursed Aether Griz+zlor blog here for info & how you can pick up a copy for yourself.
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